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Terms of Use

Links to or from other websites This website contains links to external websites that may be of interest to you and may contain several automatic links to other websites. Greenstaff Medical is not responsible for the content of such websites, nor has it reviewed or approved such websites or their content, and we do not guarantee that such links are valid or up-to-date. Disclaimer The information and materials on this website are for general guidance only. Although Greenstaff Medical edits and submits the information materials on this website with reasonable care, we make no representations about the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, appropriateness, suitability or operation of this website, nor our use of this website or the information contained in this website. or any services provided by the Materials make any representations or warranties. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Greenstaff Medical does not assume any responsibility for the following matters: (a) any loss, liability or damage arising out of or related to the access to or use of this website or any content (b) reliance on, or making decisions based on, information or material displayed on or omitted from this website (c) any representation or omission of any job, vacancy, assignment or other employment or appointment information posted on this website (d) any representation or failure to make a request from any employer or client that the applicant is required to provide information, to interview or hire the applicant, or that any applicant will be hired, or will satisfy any employer or client requirement (e) breaches of these terms due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Greenstaff Medical (f) any failure, delay, interruption or inability to use this website which may be caused by intermittent failure of this website, or the need for repair, maintenance or introduction of new equipment or services (h) any representation that the data provided through this website is free of worms, viruses, trojan horses or any computer code that could adversely affect communications (k) any information or material on any website operated by each of the third parties accessible through the Site To the fullest extent permitted by law, if any guarantee liability cannot be exempted, Greenstaff Medical will be limited to re-providing related services, re-providing services or repairing services. Greenstaff Medical has the right to choose any of the above methods. In no event shall Greenstaff Medical be liable for any indirect, consequential, consequential, exemplary, punitive or special damages, losses, liabilities or expenses. Website registration If you upload a resume, submit a resume, apply for a job, subscribe to Job News, or create a My Account, you must warrant the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information you provide at that time or at any other time. If there is any change in your information, whether you have modified your resume or updated your resume, you must promptly notify us of the update so that we can communicate effectively with you and provide potential employers with the latest information. If you register to use the "Personal Information" function, you must set a password and a login name. To prevent fraud, you must keep this password confidential and not disclose it to anyone or share it with anyone. If you know or suspect that someone else has your password, you should notify us immediately. We are not responsible for any unauthorized use. When using this website, you are solely responsible for all actions, including maintaining the timeliness, correctness, accuracy and completeness of the account information on My Page and that the uploaded material does not violate or violate the knowledge of any third-party property. If Greenstaff Medical has reason to believe that the security of the website has been compromised or the website is used inappropriately, we may require you to change your password, or may suspend your "personal information" account. We may, in our reasonable judgment, suspend or cancel your account if you breach any of our obligations under these Terms or the Privacy Policy. Statistics We may collect information and statistics on all visitors to this site, which may include information you provide to this site that will help us understand our users and create a better hiring process. We do not disclose personal names or identifying information. All data will be presented in the form of statistical tables only. We believe this information helps us determine what is best for our user base and how we can continue to improve our online services. We may share these statistics with selected third parties to assist with the above-mentioned purposes. We will handle personal information in accordance with the "Privacy Policy". Intellectual property All trademarks, trade names, logos, information and materials on this website are the property of Greenstaff Medical and its licensors. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited. You may access, use and print the information and materials on this site only for non-commercial or personal use, provided that all copyright and proprietary notices are kept intact. You may not reproduce, adapt, store, transmit, print, display, publish, or commercialize any part of the content, format or design of this website or create derivative works based on such content, format or design. If you seek to reproduce or use the content of this website in any way, you must obtain our approval where necessary. Fair Use Policy You must only use the services provided on this website for the intended purpose. The services provided by this website may not be used to: (a) send, upload, display or transmit, or otherwise make available any unlawful, discriminatory, disruptive, defamatory, defamatory, abusive, coercive, harmful, offensive, obscene, infringing or objectionable material, or otherwise violates any law (b) display, upload or transmit material that encourages conduct that may constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or may violate any applicable law, regulation or code of conduct (c) interfere with the privacy of any other person or the use or exploitation of this website (d) fraudulently or otherwise masquerading as a representative of another person or other organization, including, but not limited to, a representative of Greenstaff Medical, or fraudulently falsely representing that he is affiliated with a person, organization or group; provide incorrect or incorrect information, including the omission of any information, to mislead or deceive Greenstaff Medical, its representatives and any third party who may rely on such information (e) disguise the origin of any material transmitted through the services of this website (whether by falsifying message/packet headers, or falsifying standard identifying information) (f) send, upload or otherwise make available material that infringes any intellectual or industrial property rights of any person (such as the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other proprietary rights of either party) (g) send, upload, display, disseminate or otherwise make available any information that contains or is related to spam, mailings, pyramid schemes, chain letters, virus warnings (without first verifying the authenticity of the warnings), or any other form of unauthorized Authorization to advertise or promote the material (h) send, upload or otherwise make available material that contains viruses, Trojan horses or other materials designed to damage, destroy or interrupt the performance of any hardware or software (i) unauthorized access to or interference with the servers providing the Services or any servers on the associated network, or failure to comply with any rules or procedures relating to the use of such servers; or (j) to collect (whether statistical or not) data about other users of this website's services May 2022

Greenstaff Medical China is a human resources service organization specializing in the recruitment of medical and health care talents. We focus on recruitment services in the medical and health care field, including professional job recruitment in medical institutions, pharmaceuticals, smart health care and other industries.

(86) 010 5602 1959


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