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职位亮点: 高端诊所,工作环境舒适。 职位描述: 1.熟练掌握超声医学技术的临床诊断。 2.负责多学科临床常见病的超声检查,独立进行超声扫描,并提供书面报告。 职位要求: 1.全日制大专以上学历。 2.可接受优秀退休医生。

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Job Summary

Industry:医疗 Healthcare

Job Category:医生 Doctors


Job Type:兼职/临时

Recruitment Consultant

Ella Zhang


Greenstaff Medical China is a human resources service organization specializing in the recruitment of medical and health care talents. We focus on recruitment services in the medical and health care field, including professional job recruitment in medical institutions, pharmaceuticals, smart health care and other industries.

(86) 010 5602 1959


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